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72% of mothers with children under the age of 18 are working - that's about 31 million women as of 2018. When Pamela F. Lenehan delved into the lives of working mothers' children, she discovered something startling: the children not only survived their mothers' careers, they thrived on it.
Children of working mothers learn invaluable skills, including resilience and a strong work ethic. In her new book, this former C-suite executive and Wall Street veteran focuses on a groundbreaking survey she and her team conducted. The results show that a mother's career enhances her children's lives, and the idea that it takes a toll on childhood is badly outdated.
Filled with real life stories and testimonies from children and mothers, and tips and strategies for managing busy families, her book celebrates the power of women to lead and nurture. For working mothers, it's also a timely and practical guide on how to integrate children and career.

"As a working mom of four young girls, My Mother, My Mentor was such a gift. It helped me push past the guilt and recognize that you can be a working mom, and your kids will benefit from it"

-Danie McHugh, Partner, Summit Trail Advisors, and Mother

"This book is a must read for all working mothers. I felt assured that a good mother is not determined by the hours spent in the home. Present and future working moms are fortunate to have this book out there."

-Lauren Ciocca, Sixth-Grade English Teacher and Mother

"This book demystifies the consequences on our children if we choose to work outside the home. We all know parenting has ups and downs, but through personal stories and research Lenehan builds a reassuring case for working mothers to let go of the guilt and sleep well."

-Laura Z. Lee, MD, Pediatrician, and Mother

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